Liat, 21, compulsive eater for 3 years, participant of Project 2020

She is enchanted, amazed, and connected to the result, continuously excited, as am I. The painting of her life in 2020. "No one has ever done something, especially for me," she says with shining eyes, asking me to explain every detail in the painting, every motif I chose for her.

Update sent to crowdfunding project supporters, 18.2.2014

Two weeks ago, I discovered 60 unread messages in my inbox by chance. Most were spam, but one (from two years ago) was from a young woman who saw me on TV talking about Project 2020 after the untimely death of Tamar Brauner, the first participant in the project. Despite the time that had passed, I decided to get back to her.

Last Thursday, we met at her home. Liat, 20 and a half, exactly half my age, a beautiful, smiling, and intelligent girl, welcomed me into a small house she shares with her mother in one of the underprivileged neighborhoods of South Tel Aviv. The meeting was mystical; a few days earlier, I had been unexpectedly and dramatically fired from my job. This meeting with her put things into perspective for me.

Liat is the daughter of drug-addicted parents. At six months old, she was placed with a family who had just lost their daughter. She stayed there until she was five, then returned to her mother, who had recovered at the time. She sits in front of me, recounting a harsh and chilling life story, describing periods when her mother relapsed into drugs, months spent living with neighbors, life in a boarding school, returning home, and the onset of binge eating and food obsession that began three years ago. A beautiful, strong, and brave girl who has been raising herself for 20 years.

In the small room, childhood photos, school certificates of excellence, piles of books, and a board with empowering quotes she writes to herself are hanging. Daily reminders to herself of what a normal routine should be, reminding her where she needs to be. She shows me the book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” which she returns to time and again, given to her by her commander in the army. The amazing and magical book has accompanied me in recent years too. On the pendant of her necklace is written one word: “to be.” She moved me to tears with her depth and life wisdom, which I did not expect from a girl who was only 20 years old.

She is aware of her problem and has been seeking help for her eating disorder for a while, looking for jobs like waitressing and aiming to become an actress. A brave and amazing girl who shows me how hard life can be and how much strength and resilience people have. The timing of this meeting seems surreal to me. I want to be there for her as much as possible. Unlike previous processes, I decided to invite her to stay with me for a while.

After about two hours, on my way out, I see her mother waking up from sleep in the small living room. I stop for a moment and tell her, “You should know you have an amazing daughter who will go far in life.” She smiles at me and says, “With God’s help.” And I reply, “I have no doubt about that, it’s just a matter of when.”

I am privileged to have met Liat and look forward to receiving her 2020 questionnaire and starting the painting.

From the process of creating the painting

Update sent to crowdfunding project supporters, 10.5.2014:

On Wednesday, right after Independence Day, Liat comes to meet her painting in the morning. She enters and lights up the house with her bright eyes and smile. Liat arrives wearing a long-sleeved shirt, despite the heat outside. I offer her a short-sleeved one, taking out my lucky blue shirt from the wardrobe, which says, “Free your mind.” We sit at the small kitchen table.

GRACE | Liat’s painting

Liat meets her painting

Liat tells me that a week ago, she left home and moved for the first time in her life to her apartment. “A place of my own!” she says excitedly. I am very proud of her for this important, joyful, and challenging step. It’s a very special Independence Day for her. We talk and talk and talk, not stopping. We only met two months ago, but it feels like she has always been here. Amazing.

I invite her to come and see her painting. She stands in front of it, wearing my blue shirt and a pink cap. Suddenly, the colors of the painting seem more vibrant to me. She is enchanted, amazed, and connected to the result, continuously excited, as am I. The painting of her life in 2020. “No one has ever done something, especially for me,” she says with shining eyes, asking me to explain every detail in the painting, every motif I chose for her.

Project 2020 exhibition:

Project 2020 is an optimistic social art project. The project began in 2012 and continued until 2015. The project was inspired by my personal and optimistic journey to overcome a 16-year struggle with an eating disorder.

For project details and artworks

Project 2020 | Solo exhibition

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